Members are required to be professionally involved in the field of the production or use of perennial plants, i.e. proprietors or staff of perennial plant nurseries, landscapers, landscape architects, teaching staff in horticulture schools, staff in research institutes, etc. Under these preconditions, the following forms of membership are possible:
Collective membership
Persons or firms who belong to a national hardy plant organization can join the ISU as collective members. The yearly subscription is € 70,00 * Persons wishing to join the ISU as collective members should contact their national association.
Single member
Persons not belonging to a national organisation can join the ISU directly as single members.
The yearly subscription is € 90,00 * (students and apprentices € 20,00 *).
Please apply directly to the Secretariat of the International Perennial Society
Bettina Banse, Servatiusstraße 53, D 53175 Bonn, E-Mail:
If resigning, this should be done until 30 September for the end of the year.
Sponsors welcome; 200,00 €/year *, They are noted on our website.
* = 5,00 € charge for payment by creditcard