International Hardy Plant Union
Servatiusstraße 53
D 53175 Bonn

Telephone: +49 228 81002 51
E-Mail: info@isu-perennials.org

ISU Statutes

1. Name and Domicile

1.1 Perennial gardeners from Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany founded the 'International Perennial Society' (ISU) in Hannover in 1965.

1.2 The registered office is identical with the locality of the secretariat. ISU is subject to the laws of the country of domicile.

2. Aim and Purpose

2.1 The purpose of the ISU is:

2.1.1 The promotion of the exchange of experience in the field of hardy plant cultivation on an international level, the furtherance of trade in hardy plants and their use
2.1.2 Further work on nomenclature
2.1.3 The promotion and co-ordination of hardy plant analysis and research
2.1.4 The organization of excursions and visits

3. Membership

3.1 The following persons can become ordinary members of the ISU: All persons who are occupationally involved with the production and/or use of hardy plants, teaching staff in horticulture colleges, gardening instructors etc., gardening apprentices and firms employing the above. This is laid down in the statutes as follows:

3.1.1 Persons and firms belonging to a national hardy plant gardener’s organization join the ISU as Collective Members.
3.1.2 Persons and firms not belonging to a national hardy plant gardener’s organization join the ISU as Single Members.

3.2 Extraordinary Members can become:

3.2.1 The head of each national plant analysis team
3.2.2 Persons with exceptional achievements in the field of hardy plant culture can be appointed Correspondent Members by the Committee
3.2.3 Persons who have rendered valuable services to the ISU and its aims can be appointed Honorary Members by the General Assembly
3.2.4 Sponsor Members i.e. persons and firms with a special relationship to the ISU and who support the ISU for idealistic reasons.

3.3 Ordinary Membership can be obtained by written application to the ISU secretariat. Collective membership must be applied for through the national hardy plant gardeners' organization.

3.4 Membership can be terminated by

  • Resigning of the single members. This should be done until 30th September for the end of the same year.
  • Collective members who terminate their membership in the national hardy plant gardener's organization automatically cease to be members of the ISU. Otherwise they have to resign the membership until the 30th September for the end of the same year.
  • Exclusion of the ISU. Membership will be terminated should the member fail to pay his/her subscription fee after the dispatch of two reminders. The Committee will decide after informing the ambassador of the country. Upon resignation, all rights on the assets of the ISU or parts thereof become invalid. Due obligations have to be fulfilled.

4. Rights and duties of the members

Members after § 3.1 have got the right

  • to join the General Assembly
  • to send applications to the organs of ISU
  • to raise objections against decisions from of General Assembly
  • to get information over members’ circular letter about the development at ISU

5. Organs

5.1 The organs of the ISU are:

5.1.1 The General Assembly
5.1.2 The Committee
5.1.3 The Auditing Office
5.1.4 The Specialists' Sub-Committees

6. General Assembly

6.1 The General Assembly is the chief organ of the ISU. It is held at least every two years. The invitation with a detailed agenda must be sent out two months before the assembly date. Every ISU-member has one vote. Members, who can not join the General Assembly, can transfer their votes to an ambassador or any other ISU-member with a signed form which will be given in advance.

The General Assembly has the following rights.

6.1.1 Ratification and revision of the statutes
6.1.2 Adoption of activity reports and financial statement
6.1.3 Fixing of membership fees
6.1.4 Passing of resolutions on regulations about the remuneration of the organs and charges of the ISU
6.1.5 Passing of resolutions on motions proposed by the Committee. Motions proposed by the ambassadors and members in accordance with §§ 3.1. to 3.2. must be presented in written form to the President four weeks before the assembly.
6.1.6 The General Assembly elects the President, one Vice-President, as well as the remaining Committee members.

6.2 The president has the casting vote in case of equality of votes in business matters. In elections a second ballot is required, after which the decision is by lot.

7. The Committee

7.1 The Committee is made up of 5 - 7 members; the President as well as one Vice-President. Further members can be elected making a total of between 5-7 members.

7.2 The ISU-President has the sole authority to represent the ISU. If absent, the Vice-President and another Committee member can represent the ISU.

7.3 The Committee has the following duties and rights:

7.3.1 Management and control of the ISU's business dealings
7.3.2 Authorization for the printing of ISU publications
7.3.3. Passing of resolutions on the signatory power of the members of the Committee and the secretary
7.3.4 Compiling of the agenda and fixing of the place and date of the General Assembly
7.3.5 Preparing the budget of ISU
7.3.6 The Committee can dispose of the financial means of the ISU. It is accountable to the General Assembly for the use thereof.
7.3.7 Nomination of the secretary.
7.3.8 Committee is responsible for all Items, which are not mentioned for other organs.

7.4 The President has the right to invite further persons as consultants to the meetings when special questions are under discussion.

7.5 Committee members are elected to office for a period of four years. Committee members can be re-elected. Half of committee should be elected alternating.

8. The Secretariat

8.1 The secretariat has the following duties:

8.1.1 Membership administration
8.1.2 Organization of the Committee meetings and co-organization of the General Assembly and other events like excursions and Summer Days.
8.1.3 Execution of the resolutions of the Committee and the General Assembly
8.1.4 Organization, translation and mailing of dispatches
8.1.5 Cash management and bookkeeping. The secretary is allowed to engage a tax accountant.

8.2 The person responsible of the secretariat is the secretary.

8.3 A person who is not member of the ISU can become secretary.

8.4 The secretary is authorized to represent the ISU in all situations and to handle all necessary financial matters (opening bank accounts, paying invoices, etc).

9. Auditing of the books

9.1 The ISU financial report can be audited by an ambassador who will provide the General Assembly with a written report.

9.2 The ambassadors are entitled to an insight into the books of the ISU.

10. The Specialists' Sub-Committees

10.1 The General Assembly can authorize the organization of work committees of specialists to deal with specific problems.

The heads of these committees will be elected by their members. The period of office is four years; re-election is possible. A calling of ad hoc committees, which are temporary active, is possible.

11. Ambassadors

Ambassadors are persons who coordinate between the Committee and collective members associations. They inform the members of their national organization about ISU-activities. They will be elected by the national organizations.

12. Membership fees, Finance, Liability, Expenses

12.1 Membership fees will be fixed by the General Assembly. Details are regulated by the contribution regulation.

12.2 The membership fee charged to the national hardy plant gardeners’ organizations for their collective members is determined by the number of members per 1st January.

12.3 The ISU uses its income solely for the promotion of the purposes described in the statutes. Members have no right whatsoever to a refund of their fees.

12.4 The association's assets form the limit of the ISU's liability.

12.5 Committee members and consultants in the sense of § 7.4 are entitled to a refund of their expenses. The scale of the remunerations will be regulated in separate regulations.

13. Amendment of the Statutes and Dissolution of the Association

13.1 The statutes may be amended by the General Assembly with a simple majority of votes cast.

13.2 The dissolution of the association can only be decided by a General Assembly specially for this purpose and three fourth of all votes in the General Assembly. Should no decision be reached, a further extraordinary General Assembly will decide by simple majority votes.

13.3 In case of the dissolution of the ISU the last Committee decides on the use of any assets of the association. They must be transferred to an institution that is committed to the promotion of perennial plants.

14. Validity

14.1 These statutes were ratified by the Delegate meeting on 9th August 2016 in London-Gatwick and valid with immediate effect.

Modification of statutes: Congress 1994, Horgen, 19 August 1994

Modification of statutes: Congress 1994, Horgen, 19 August 1994
§§ 3.1.5, 4.1.5, 5.2, 5.3, 6.5, 8, 8.1, 8.2

Modification of statutes: Congress 1996, Gent, 21 August 1996
§§ 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1.5, 5.1.4, 8.1, 8.3, 10.1.1-10.1.3, 10.3, 13

Modification of statutes: Congress 2006, St. Brieuc, 22 August 2006
§§ 2.1, 3.2, 3.5, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.3, 10.6, 11.3

Modification of statutes: Committee meeting 2007, Lisse, 25th of May 2007
§§ 7.4

Modification of statues: Congress 2014, Horgen, 11th of August 2014
§§ 1.1, 1.2, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4 to 13

Modification of statues: Summer Days 2016, London, 9th of August 2016
§§,3.4, 4, 6.1, 6.1.5, 6.17, 6.2, 7.3.5, 7.3.7, 7.3.8, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 9.1, 9.2, 11, 13.2, 14.1.

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