International Hardy Plant Union
Servatiusstraße 53
D 53175 Bonn

Telephone: +49 228 81002 51
E-Mail: info@isu-perennials.org


Every 2 year, we organise a Congress, now called 'the Summer Days', as a real meeting point for all colleagues. During these days the delegate – meeting takes place.

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The aim of this conference is to promote international contacts in the Perennial Plant Industry and to provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge and expertise in an inspiring atmosphere.

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The excursions of the ISU have a long tradition. Since its foundation there have been several excursions. They either go to botanically interesting regions and give good inside view of our perennials in the wild.

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Recent news

24 Feb / 2025

110 perennial gardeners and enthusiasts from 16 countries met in Grünberg from 14-16 February for the 17th time this year to exchange experiences and meet colleagues.

24 Feb / 2025

The International Hardy Plant Union is professionalising itself and its image. After years of discussion, the board, which has been newly formed since August, has commissioned a logo and corresponding templates for its media and presented them for the first time at the ISU-Winter Days in Grünberg in mid-February.

26 Aug / 2024

29 perennial novelties were entered for the International Hardy Plant-Union (ISU) trial in Angers. 25 could be evaluated, reported Jonas Bengtsson, President of the ISU Trial Commission at the meeting on August 11 in Angers.

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